Sherwood Court Gig 26th Nov

Our very own prep/refreshment room. Pop showing his best side and David working out where to put his used teabag

Sherwood Court Gig – the return of Wakeylele ! written by Philip Barr.

A dozen members from the band’s large pool of talent returned to entertain the residents of Sherwood Court, Kettlethorpe for a matinée performance on Friday, 26th November 2021. Parking in the vicinity was tight and Peter A registered a disapproving look on the face  of a local resident who was peering out of her bay window as he parked up – however, the offer of a signed photo and a free ticket for our next gig soon overcame the problem.

Mags & Pop’s deep discussion. “No… on the last line don’t play your harmonica until I start singing ‘On the Island of….'” and Mike making sure he hasn’t forgotten his strap.

Our leader, David led the group, (some of whom were sporting new t – shirts with the band logo not to mention the smart  uke stand banners provided by Maria, through a varied and well rehearsed set list. Highlights were provided by Sue’s solo verses from The Carnival is Over and Margaret’s ( Mags) melodic lines from the Springfields Island of Dreams, not forgetting Dave Burgess’s powerful rendition of Jimmy Nail’s Big River and the fetching Hawaiian necklaces worn to accompany the group’ s version of Honolulu Baby.

David engaging the audience.

A short break was followed by a necessarily foreshortened second session thereby depriving the residents of the opportunity to listen to Pop and Mike’s duet but this didn’t detract from the very warm appreciation for our efforts with an open invitation to return. 

Special thanks must go to David for skilfully linking songs and managing to cover up the occasional error. ( He was seen to wince and turn his back briefly on us  while still strumming the correct chords as a few – un-named individuals decided to insert a chorus of The Blackpool Belle which had been recently omitted. He also had to resist the pressure from a resident who requested a string of George Formby songs!

2 Comments on “Sherwood Court Gig 26th Nov

  1. OK Phil, fancy the permanent position of court reporter??
    Many thanks for the skillful summary of our Sherwood experience.
    Had David not talked so much, we might have actually completed the set!
    Thanks too to Richard (?) for the photos. Pop,especially, should be pleased-he’s covered from all angles.
    Great reporting Phil. Thanks so much.

    1. Yes, Richard deserves the credit, not only for the photos but also for the witty captions and the pulling together of all the materials aided by an app. (After listening carefully to the process this involves at the end of tonight’s session I was relieved that it was not me who had attempted this otherwise the blog wouldn’t, have seen the light of day until January at the earliest!)

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