Wakeylele Spring into Action!
24th April, 2023
One of the perks of belonging to our band is the chance to assemble at the Spring parochial hall, Sandal from time to time and to sample the amazing buffets that Katherine and her team of volunteers put on.
David began proceedings by giving due thanks to all concerned in the preparation of this event, especially Katherine and her team, but also Elizabeth Linda, Pippa and our treasurer, Margaret who unfortunately couldn’t make today. By being gracious to our hosts from the beginning, David, being part of the top table, was invited to be the first to indulge in the mouthwatering variety of delicacies on offer, and though, still a fortnight to the Coronation, this was indeed food that looked fit for a king. However, notwithstanding that Katherine had gently suggested that we were to approach the buffet one table at a time, there was more than a hint of scraping chairs and sharp elbows as people shuffled into position; I believe I saw someone’s protective arm just managing to prevent one individual from stumbling head first into the strawberry pavlova, which, as a thing of beauty, would have been not only a tragedy from an aesthetic perspective but may also have caused a riot among those who were drooling at the prospect of sampling it.
Fortunately, people soon recovered their decorum and the afternoon settled down into an ambience of genteel and civilised behaviour more becoming of a mature age group.
By and by, with everyone having had the chance to finish the delicious range of quiches, salads, ham, salmon, coronation chicken,(of course), wonderful desserts, and cheese and biscuits plus tea and coffee, it was time for a brief cabaret for want of a better word. David was closer to defining the acts to follow as ‘ridiculous’ contrasting with ‘sublime’, although the latter is probably a slight exaggeration.
As for the details, I think the videos speak for themselves with David being backed up mainly by Lynn, Pop, Mike S and Elizabeth on ukes, and a clutch of chicken type figures squawking away to one side while performing some kind of ritual dance.
It was all very entertaining whatever it was supposed to be. In complete contrast to this, Val and Magz performed a lovely song entitled Hard Times Cotton Mill Girls with subtle harmonies to the fore.
Another ballad that alternated with the livelier numbers was Four Strong Winds featuring the Thursday branch of Wakeylele.
Then, as our allotted time approached its end, Pop and David jauntily led everyone in the life – affirming Bob Marley song, with the words ‘Every little ( or big ) thing will be Alright seeming very timely, with Roy’s recent travails in mind! Sue, Mags and Maria provided the main vocal backing to this crowd pleaser before the finale featuring the group’s signature tune – On the Road Again.
It was a great afternoon – many thanks must go to all at the Spring for their kindness, efficiency and excellent buffet and to David for making the ridiculous fun.
Next up is on the afternoon of Sunday, 7th May at Walton ( small group – details to come ) then at Newmillerdam.
When a leading photo of a (albeit mountainous) Pavlova usurps the more usual one of band members, you know the sort of gathering reflected by this report. Prime focus on the sumptuous food, service and hospitality provided by Cath and her supporting team of volunteers is so honestly detailed and so richly deserved.
Subsequent music and frolicking by some raised a question as to whether the evidently popular dessert had indeed been laced with strong alcohol. How else to explain such merry-making?
My thanks, as usual, to all involved in organising the event. Special mention to the “news team ” for another insightful and well-honed report.
So grateful to the staff at the Spring for spoiling us, once again