White Rose Centre Gig
31st January, 2025. Report by Phil Barr Photo’s Phil Barr Videos Joe & Barbara Fisher
Whilst travelling to this second gig in a week Peter J, Maria and I were discussing the pros and cons of AI regarding jobs, health, crime and so on but my main concern is when are they are going to widen the stretch of the A1 near Doncaster but then I may have got the wrong end of the stick. We were all in agreement though that whatever the future holds this particular final day of the seemingly overlong month of January was cold and gloomy. Not to worry though because the Wakeylele band had every intention of brightening up the day for the folk of West Yorkshire and beyond.

As we sardined ourselves into our allotted playing area a faintly lingering doubt was whether we could replicate the undoubted success of Whitaker Grange or would gig fatigue mean a sub – standard performance? Well, as it soon became evident from the opening Medley followed by ‘A World of Our Own’ the band were on fire from the off encouraged by very positive vibes from a good number of shoppers who stopped to listen even though it was only mid-morning. The feel-good mood continued despite the unpromising sounding lyrics of Bad Moon Rising – it certainly appealed to some McDonalds staff leaning over the balcony above us when glancing up to see their beaming smiles and thumbs up gestures accompanied by hoots of appreciation. Nor was there any slacking in the tempo as ‘Come Up and See Me’ yet again proved a money spinner with four or five contributions to the YAA funds during the playing of this number. People also sang along to the tune of ‘Daydream Believer’ and swayed to’ I Wanna Dance With You’ making the first half a hit all round. Pop even offered a cheeky tongue in cheek comment about my playing having improved massively from the beginning of the day due largely to his close proximity. Mind you he did kick my uke to the ground at the conclusion of the gig, claiming that it would make a good recovery, it being a Flight model.

A thirty-minute break followed during which time I learned that Mike S is a dab hand at woodwork and has even made his own ukulele. Roy, on the other hand, when joining us only succeeded in disturbing the table leg and slopping my latte over the surface. Later I overheard him telling a joke about a man who went into a pub while still attached to a drip which I’d heard the previous day but I won’t bore you with that just now*, nor for that matter is there any need to go into a great deal of detail about the second half of our set list other than to say it continued to go well with genuine enjoyment written across people’s faces to the likes of ‘On the Road Again’ ‘San Francisco Blues’ and ‘Top of the World’. However, when David introduced ‘The Union of Different Kinds’, a song which Mike Hindley brought to the group it was difficult to prevent a lump in the throat as we attempted to tackle it once more. I think it’s fair to say that we did the song justice…Christine was there to hear this being played.

Perhaps after that it was time to stop as the number of people pausing to watch subsided despite a creditable performance of ‘You’re Sixteen’ followed by a maybe slightly over – enthusiastic rendition of ‘Zing’. Maybe everyone was by now tucking into their egg mayonnaise sandwiches or Filet-o- Fish burgers or else we need to find a different barnstormer to round off a gig but whatever the reason this was another positive experience.

Thanks yet again to David for holding everything together, to Barbara and Joe for their video work, to Mags for her stoic efforts on percussion despite coming under pressure from a drummer on the back row, (with only the best of intentions I hasten to add), and to Dave F for his invaluable work in forwarding David’s set lists and updates.

*To be fair, I did find Roy’s joke amusing. I’m sure he’ll be happy to share it with you.
Next up is an important AGM on Tuesday, 4th February starting at 7p.m.
On Wednesday, 5th February is Mike Hindley’s funeral at Wakefield crematorium, Standbridge Lane, at 11:20 a.m.
Dear! Dear! I scream at those ice cream prices…. Joe must be worth a real fortune (if such a person indeed exists).
Very colourful though and tastes to suit all. A bit like our set list on this occasion perhaps (though not so many blue numbers).
Strong playing from everyone (as evidenced by the accompanying video) created a full, rich soundstage which, clearly, was enjoyed by passers-by and sitter-downers alike. Well done all. This, I thought, to be a really strong statement of our intention and ability to entertain.
Thanks to all for travelling to this venue, I know that for some it is rather a trek. At least parking is both easy and free!
Thanks again to the production team behind this review. It really is gratifying to have our gigs so insightfully documented.