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Mar 27, 10:00am


The Ridings Centre, Wakefield, WF1 1, United Kingdom Map

Gig in aid of Yorkshire Air Ambulance

2 interested  ·  2 going

Apr 25, 9:00am


The Ridings Centre, Wakefield, WF1 1, United Kingdom Map

Gig in Aid of Yorkshire Air Ambulance

2 going

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Wakeylele Band at White Rose Centre Leeds for Yorks Ait Ambulance 31st Jan 2025 ... See MoreSee Less

2 weeks ago

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Really good but a little less bell volume. link to wakeylele News Blog

White Rose Centre Gig
      31st January, 2025.

Whilst travelling to this second gig in a week Peter J, Maria and I were discussing the pros and cons of AI regarding jobs, health, crime and so on but my main concern is when are they are going to widen the stretch of the A1 near Doncaster but then I may have got the wrong end of the stick. We were all in agreement though that whatever the future holds this particular final day of the seemingly overlong month of January was cold and gloomy.  Not to worry though because the Wakeylele band had every intention of brightening up the day for the folk of West Yorkshire and beyond.
  As we sardined ourselves into our allotted playing area a faintly lingering doubt was whether we could replicate the undoubted success of Whitaker Grange or would gig fatigue mean a sub - standard performance? Well, as it soon became evident from the opening Medley followed by ‘A World of Our Own’ the band were on fire from the off encouraged by very positive vibes from a good number of shoppers who stopped to listen even though it was only mid-morning. The feel-good mood continued despite the unpromising sounding lyrics of Bad Moon Rising - it certainly appealed to some McDonalds staff leaning over the balcony above us when glancing up to see their beaming smiles and thumbs up gestures accompanied by hoots of appreciation. Nor was there any slacking in the tempo as ‘Come Up and See Me’ yet again proved a money spinner with four or five contributions to the YAA funds during the playing of this number. People also sang along to the tune of ‘Daydream Believer’ and swayed to’ I Wanna Dance With You’ making the first half a hit all round. Pop even offered a cheeky tongue in cheek comment about my playing having improved massively from the beginning of the day due largely to his close proximity. Mind you he did kick my uke to the ground at the conclusion of the gig, claiming that it would make a good recovery, it being a Flight model. 
  A thirty-minute break followed during which time I learned that Mike S is a dab hand at woodwork and has even made his own ukulele. Roy, on the other hand, when joining us only succeeded in disturbing the table leg and slopping my latte over the surface. Later I overheard him telling a joke about a man who went into a pub while still attached to a drip which Id heard the previous day but I wont bore you with that just now*, nor for that matter  is there any need to go into a great deal of detail about the second half of our set list other than to say it continued to go well with genuine enjoyment written across peoples faces to the likes of ‘On the Road Again’ ‘San Francisco Blues’ and ‘Top of the World’. However, when David introduced ‘The Union of Different Kinds’, a song which Mike Hindley brought to the group it was difficult to prevent a lump in the throat as we attempted to tackle it once more. I think its fair to say that we did the song justice...Christine was there to hear this being played. 
  Perhaps after that it was time to stop as the number of people pausing to watch subsided despite a creditable performance of ‘Youre Sixteen’ followed by a maybe slightly over - enthusiastic rendition of ‘Zing’.  Maybe everyone was by now tucking into their egg mayonnaise sandwiches or Filet-o- Fish burgers or else we need to find a different barnstormer to round off a gig but whatever the reason this was another positive experience. 
   Thanks yet again to David for holding everything together, to Barbara and Joe for their video work, to Mags for her stoic efforts on percussion despite coming under pressure from a drummer on the back row, (with only the best of intentions I hasten to add), and to Dave F for his invaluable work in forwarding Davids set lists and updates.
*To be fair, I did find Roys joke amusing. Im sure hell be happy to share it with you.
 Next up is an important AGM on Tuesday, 4th February starting at 7p.m.
 On Wednesday, 5th February is Mike Hindleys funeral at Wakefield crematorium, Standbridge Lane, at 11:20 a.m.Image attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment link to wakeylele News Blog

White Rose Centre Gig
31st January, 2025.

Whilst travelling to this second gig in a week Peter J, Maria and I were discussing the pros and cons of AI regarding jobs, health, crime and so on but my main concern is when are they are going to widen the stretch of the A1 near Doncaster but then I may have got the wrong end of the stick. We were all in agreement though that whatever the future holds this particular final day of the seemingly overlong month of January was cold and gloomy. Not to worry though because the Wakeylele band had every intention of brightening up the day for the folk of West Yorkshire and beyond.
As we sardined ourselves into our allotted playing area a faintly lingering doubt was whether we could replicate the undoubted success of Whitaker Grange or would gig fatigue mean a sub - standard performance? Well, as it soon became evident from the opening Medley followed by ‘A World of Our Own’ the band were on fire from the off encouraged by very positive vibes from a good number of shoppers who stopped to listen even though it was only mid-morning. The feel-good mood continued despite the unpromising sounding lyrics of Bad Moon Rising - it certainly appealed to some McDonalds staff leaning over the balcony above us when glancing up to see their beaming smiles and thumbs up gestures accompanied by hoots of appreciation. Nor was there any slacking in the tempo as ‘Come Up and See Me’ yet again proved a money spinner with four or five contributions to the YAA funds during the playing of this number. People also sang along to the tune of ‘Daydream Believer’ and swayed to’ I Wanna Dance With You’ making the first half a hit all round. Pop even offered a cheeky tongue in cheek comment about my playing having improved massively from the beginning of the day due largely to his close proximity. Mind you he did kick my uke to the ground at the conclusion of the gig, claiming that it would make a good recovery, it being a Flight model.
A thirty-minute break followed during which time I learned that Mike S is a dab hand at woodwork and has even made his own ukulele. Roy, on the other hand, when joining us only succeeded in disturbing the table leg and slopping my latte over the surface. Later I overheard him telling a joke about a man who went into a pub while still attached to a drip which I'd heard the previous day but I won't bore you with that just now*, nor for that matter is there any need to go into a great deal of detail about the second half of our set list other than to say it continued to go well with genuine enjoyment written across people's faces to the likes of ‘On the Road Again’ ‘San Francisco Blues’ and ‘Top of the World’. However, when David introduced ‘The Union of Different Kinds’, a song which Mike Hindley brought to the group it was difficult to prevent a lump in the throat as we attempted to tackle it once more. I think it's fair to say that we did the song justice...Christine was there to hear this being played.
Perhaps after that it was time to stop as the number of people pausing to watch subsided despite a creditable performance of ‘You're Sixteen’ followed by a maybe slightly over - enthusiastic rendition of ‘Zing’. Maybe everyone was by now tucking into their egg mayonnaise sandwiches or Filet-o- Fish burgers or else we need to find a different barnstormer to round off a gig but whatever the reason this was another positive experience.
Thanks yet again to David for holding everything together, to Barbara and Joe for their video work, to Mags for her stoic efforts on percussion despite coming under pressure from a drummer on the back row, (with only the best of intentions I hasten to add), and to Dave F for his invaluable work in forwarding David's set lists and updates.
*To be fair, I did find Roy's joke amusing. I'm sure he'll be happy to share it with you.
Next up is an important AGM on Tuesday, 4th February starting at 7p.m.
On Wednesday, 5th February is Mike Hindley's funeral at Wakefield crematorium, Standbridge Lane, at 11:20 a.m.
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2 weeks ago

. Burns Concert Whitaker Grange Reidential Home. Wakeylele Band for Yorks Air Ambulance Jan 25 2025 ... See MoreSee Less

2 weeks ago

Ring Ding Dalioi. Mike Sidebottom. Burns Concert Whitaker Grange Reidential Home. Wakeylele Band for Yorks Air Ambulance Jan 25 2025 ... See MoreSee Less

2 weeks ago

My Body Lies Over the Ocean. Stan Hollins. Burns Concert Whitaker Grange Reidential Home. Wakeylele Band for Yorks Air Ambulance Jan 25 2025 ... See MoreSee Less

2 weeks ago

Donald Wheres Your Troosers . Chris Heywood-Pool. Burn's Concert Whitaker Grange Ossett. Wakeylele Band for Yorks Air Ambulance ... See MoreSee Less

2 weeks ago

A Man's a Man for a' That. Burn's Concert Whitaker Grange Ossett. Wakeylele Band for Yorks Air Ambulance ... See MoreSee Less

2 weeks ago

Whitaker Grange Residential Home Ossett Concert. Wakeylele Band jan 25th 2025  

In a week where there was an array of planets prominent in the night sky, it seemed only right that the stars of the Wakeylele band should have the opportunity to dazzle the residents of Whitaker Grange in Ossett.
    As our age group tends to give an ample amount of time in considering the issue of parking everyone had arrived by half past one which in the event proved a tad early but that meant there was plenty of time for gossip and refreshments provided by a very welcoming staff in the attractive dining cum entertainments room. Our event could be seen already up in lights on screens and even larger photographic images of our performance were transmitted onto the wall during the afternoon, reflecting the up to date facilities of this smart establishment. 
  When half past two arrived, with the spacious room bulging at the seams   David began by paying tribute to Mike Hindley who of course organised this event and who is already sadly missed. I think with this in mind, the band were determined to make the afternoon a success and the feeling was confirmed in a strong opening before Beryl, suitably draped in a Scottish flag, together with David in a smart tartan waistcoat performed A Mans a Man for a That which was beautifully done and rightly received wholehearted applause.  
  The next song, The Blackpool Belle was dedicated to Mike as he had originally brought it to the Gaslighters group and so, him being a proud Lancastrian, is a great example of a ditty which contains the humour which made him and the rest of us smile. Chris then entertained the whole room with a clever and amusing rendition of Donald, Wheres Your Troosers, even having a go at replicating the sound of bagpipes on his uke  -  (warning - dont try this at home). Then, before the interval came more full band songs including the well-received Loch Lomond punctuated with a solo about a Scot, (male) wearing a kilt, this time performed with panache by Mike S, the   climax of which brought great guffaws from all around the room. 
  So far so good as the interval arrived quickly and yet more tea, coffee and bicuits were offered to boost energy levels for after the break. It should be said that as one looked round it was clear that there was a very healthy turnout from the band despite Rob, Sue, Carol and Melvyn all having to withdraw for good reasons, two at the last minute. John W meanwhile bravely turned out notwithstanding that he was recovering from a cold and who had another gig in the evening but such is the metal of this committed group! Maria had also had to make a last-minute solo journey with Sue and then later still Carol unable to make it, risking a parking fine in the process.
  We were now all set to resume but not before David unearthed yet another terrible joke from his vast catalogue. So, it was with some relief that we were Back on the Road Again before we Sat Down prior to the boy band trio of Dave Blackburn, Tony and Pop, rocking the place with a Bay City Rollers Number which had Mags leading a mock teenage swaying of bodies around her which made me feel a bit seasick.  Nevertheless, the enthusiastic audience immediately picked up on this and Im sure I saw two or three residents near the back standing on their chairs unable to restrain themselves - I also heard that someone intended to surf the crowd before he or she thought better of it. To bring some semblance of civility back into the room, there followed a gentle performance of the Skye Boat Song before Stans entertaining rendition of My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean once he had overcome the problem of retrieving his copy from the floor which David kindly picked up and replaced on the stand albeit the wrong way up. By the last verse Stan was orchestrating proceedings waving his arms about like Simon Rattle with the audience responding in song. Of the remainder of the set, the band finally succeeded in mastering the last line of The Wild Rover but only after David had previously considered applying Pythagorass theorem or such like to the problems we had in counting bars during Tuesday practices. (Talking of practices, it was fortunate that David had already weeded out Mull of Kintyre on the grounds of not having any bagpipes and it being a dour song to which Beryl memorably replied, Were a dour nation!  However, there was a large blip at the end of the Proclaimers hit which after a robust start and middle petered out into a kind of uneven dribble of a strum at the end - fortunately the main body of the song seemed to go down so well that the applause was still bordering on thunderous.  Pop also played a full part in this session in a duet with David and then to finish producing his harmonica for a suitably plaintive introduction to Old Lang Syne which rounded off a highly successful afternoon, to the extent that our host in thanking us   strongly indicated that he wanted us back! Mike would have loved it - he would have been sitting as always somewhere in the wings out of the limelight except for sporting one of his colourful waistcoats, just enjoying playing his part. A small, but nevertheless important consolation is that the newest Richard, as an existing YAA volunteer. (which is to receive £100 as a donation from this afternoon) has kindly agreed to continue Mikes work for which we are very grateful. Everyone was also pleased to hear the news that Richard H intends to continue with his consummate work on our website. 
     Finally, to David who while it may be an exaggeration to say that hes a one-man band, excelled in his output this afternoon. Not only did he deliver in terms of keeping us in time, leaping off the floor and counting us in and leading the singing but he was a compere, a comedian - the jokes were so corny that you had to laugh,  a historian, a reciter of a Burns love poem, ( sounds like Burns was a rum lad with the ladies but I suppose it would count as poetic licence), and lastly,  an important part of two duets. Hes probably a good tap dancer too, but you have to keep something in the locker for the future - maybe September? Much appreciated David. 
   Next up is a return to the White Rose Centre on Friday - no rest for the wicked - 10:30 for 11a.m.Image attachmentImage attachment

Whitaker Grange Residential Home Ossett Concert. Wakeylele Band jan 25th 2025

In a week where there was an array of planets prominent in the night sky, it seemed only right that the stars of the Wakeylele band should have the opportunity to dazzle the residents of Whitaker Grange in Ossett.
As our age group tends to give an ample amount of time in considering the issue of parking everyone had arrived by half past one which in the event proved a tad early but that meant there was plenty of time for gossip and refreshments provided by a very welcoming staff in the attractive dining cum entertainments room. Our event could be seen already up in lights on screens and even larger photographic images of our performance were transmitted onto the wall during the afternoon, reflecting the up to date facilities of this smart establishment.
When half past two arrived, with the spacious room bulging at the seams David began by paying tribute to Mike Hindley who of course organised this event and who is already sadly missed. I think with this in mind, the band were determined to make the afternoon a success and the feeling was confirmed in a strong opening before Beryl, suitably draped in a Scottish flag, together with David in a smart tartan waistcoat performed A Man's a Man for a' That which was beautifully done and rightly received wholehearted applause.
The next song, The Blackpool Belle was dedicated to Mike as he had originally brought it to the Gaslighters group and so, him being a proud Lancastrian, is a great example of a ditty which contains the humour which made him and the rest of us smile. Chris then entertained the whole room with a clever and amusing rendition of Donald, Where's Your Troosers, even having a go at replicating the sound of bagpipes on his uke - (warning - don't try this at home). Then, before the interval came more full band songs including the well-received Loch Lomond punctuated with a solo about a Scot, (male) wearing a kilt, this time performed with panache by Mike S, the climax of which brought great guffaws from all around the room.
So far so good as the interval arrived quickly and yet more tea, coffee and bicuits were offered to boost energy levels for after the break. It should be said that as one looked round it was clear that there was a very healthy turnout from the band despite Rob, Sue, Carol and Melvyn all having to withdraw for good reasons, two at the last minute. John W meanwhile bravely turned out notwithstanding that he was recovering from a cold and who had another gig in the evening but such is the metal of this committed group! Maria had also had to make a last-minute solo journey with Sue and then later still Carol unable to make it, risking a parking fine in the process.
We were now all set to resume but not before David unearthed yet another terrible joke from his vast catalogue. So, it was with some relief that we were 'Back on the Road Again' before we 'Sat Down' prior to the boy band trio of Dave Blackburn, Tony and Pop, rocking the place with a Bay City Rollers Number which had Mags leading a mock teenage swaying of bodies around her which made me feel a bit seasick. Nevertheless, the enthusiastic audience immediately picked up on this and I'm sure I saw two or three residents near the back standing on their chairs unable to restrain themselves - I also heard that someone intended to surf the crowd before he or she thought better of it. To bring some semblance of civility back into the room, there followed a gentle performance of the Skye Boat Song before Stan's entertaining rendition of My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean once he had overcome the problem of retrieving his copy from the floor which David kindly picked up and replaced on the stand albeit the wrong way up. By the last verse Stan was orchestrating proceedings waving his arms about like Simon Rattle with the audience responding in song. Of the remainder of the set, the band finally succeeded in mastering the last line of The Wild Rover but only after David had previously considered applying Pythagoras's theorem or such like to the problems we had in counting bars during Tuesday practices. (Talking of practices, it was fortunate that David had already weeded out Mull of Kintyre on the grounds of not having any bagpipes and it being a dour song to which Beryl memorably replied, 'We're a dour nation!' However, there was a large blip at the end of the Proclaimers hit which after a robust start and middle petered out into a kind of uneven dribble of a strum at the end - fortunately the main body of the song seemed to go down so well that the applause was still bordering on thunderous. Pop also played a full part in this session in a duet with David and then to finish producing his harmonica for a suitably plaintive introduction to Old Lang Syne which rounded off a highly successful afternoon, to the extent that our host in thanking us strongly indicated that he wanted us back! Mike would have loved it - he would have been sitting as always somewhere in the wings out of the limelight except for sporting one of his colourful waistcoats, just enjoying playing his part. A small, but nevertheless important consolation is that the newest Richard, as an existing YAA volunteer. (which is to receive £100 as a donation from this afternoon) has kindly agreed to continue Mike's work for which we are very grateful. Everyone was also pleased to hear the news that Richard H intends to continue with his consummate work on our website.
Finally, to David who while it may be an exaggeration to say that he's a one-man band, excelled in his output this afternoon. Not only did he deliver in terms of keeping us in time, leaping off the floor and counting us in and leading the singing but he was a compere, a comedian - the jokes were so corny that you had to laugh, a historian, a reciter of a Burns love poem, ( sounds like Burns was a rum lad with the ladies but I suppose it would count as poetic licence), and lastly, an important part of two duets. He's probably a good tap dancer too, but you have to keep something in the locker for the future - maybe September? Much appreciated David.
Next up is a return to the White Rose Centre on Friday - no rest for the wicked - 10:30 for 11a.m.
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2 weeks ago
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Meet on Tuesdays at  Walton Club Shay Lane Walton

All levels 19:00 to 20:30

Leader David Broadbent [email protected]



"Seeking to make music together with
a sense of professionalism and

Wakeylele Band. based in Walton,
Wakefield were previously known as the
"Gaslighter Ukulele Band." We have
existed, in one form or another, since
2018. We have around 50 members. 

We are a non-profit organization and
donate all our proceeds to charity.
We are proud to support the Yorkshire
Air Ambulance service and Wakefield 


Gigs & Events History

Jan 31st       White Rose Leeds Yaa 

Jan 25th     Whitaker's Grange 1925

Dec 20th   Ridings Centre Wakefield

Dec 13th  Wentbridge House Hotel

Nov 22nd   Ridings  Centre Wakefield

Nov 1st      Xscape Castleford

Oct 19th     Xscape to Castleford

Oct 5th      'Heaven's Above' Wakefield Cathedral

Sep 29th    West Riding Sports Club Concert

Sep 16th    lunch at the springs

July 25th    High Summer at the Ridings

July 19th   Summer Concert   Walton Club

July 13th   Badsworth Village Fete

july 6th Old picture house Barnsley wedding

june 27  White Rose Leeds

June 23  Newmillerdam Green

june 15 Horbury Street Fayre

May 16 Mid May Gig. YAA Ridings, Wakefield

Mar 28 Easter Eggstravaganza. White Rose Leeds

Mar 16 Spring into Life for YAA Ridings Wakefield

Feb 17 Yorkshire Air Ambulance Ridings Wakefield

Jan 24 Burns Lunch. Gaskell's Restaurant. Wakefield

Jan 24 Yorks Air Ambulance Ridings Wakefield

Dec 23 Celebratory Club Session

Dec 23 Wentbridge House Hotel

Dec 23 Yorks Air Ambulance Ridings Wakefield

Nov 23 Farmer Copley's, Pontefract

Nov 23 Darby and Joan, Crofton

Oct 23  Yorks Air Ambulance Xscape Wakefield

Oct 23  Yorks Air Ambulance Ridings Wakefield

Oct 23  Ted's Surprise Birthday Party

Oct 23  Silver Sunday. Ridings

Aug 23  Wakefield Hospice Butterfly Appeal

July 23  Wakeylele Anniversary. St Paul's

July 23  Newmillerdam Beer Fest

May 23  Yorks Air Ambul'ce. White Rose Leeds

May 23  Old Snydale Care Home

May 23 Walton Coronation Event

May 23 Newmillerdam Gr'n Coronation Event

Apr 23 Celebratory Lunch. The Spring. Sandal

Apr 23 Yorks Air Ambuance Ridings Wakefield

Apr 23 Horbury Uke Fest. Community Centre

Feb 23 Yorks Air Ambulance White Rose,Leeds

Feb 23 Whinn Dale Normanton 

Feb 23 Yorks Air Ambulance Ridings Wakefield

Jan 23 Gaskell's Lunch

Dec 22 Yorks Air Ambulance Ridings Wakefield

Dec 22 Yorks Air Ambulance Ridings Wakefield

18 Nov22  Pippa's Birthday Walton Club

Oct 22 Yorks Air Ambulance Ridings Wakefield

Oct 22 Yorks Air Ambulance White Rose Leeds

Aug 22 Portobello Gala

Jul 22  Newmillerdam Beer Festival

Jul 22  Walton Open Gardens

Jun 22  Stanley Jubilee Gala

Jun 22  Crofton Working Men's Club

May 22 'Uke Can Sing' with Sandal Singers

May 22  Yorks Air Ambulance White Rose Leeds

May 22  Peter Harney Funeral

Apr 22 Easter Lunch - Springs Sandal

Mar 22 Walton Library/Hub Launch

Mar 21  Yorks Air Ambulance Ridings

Dec 21 Yorks Air Ambulance Cannon Hall

Dec 21 Christmas Lunch - Springs Sandal

Dec 21 Kings Croft Pontefract

Nov 21 Sherwood Court, Kettlethorpe

Nov 21 Yorkshire Air Ambulance Ridings

Nov 21 Uke Orchestra of GB. Bradford

Sep 21 Yorks Air Ambulance Ridings Centre

Sep 21  Stan's McMillan Nurse Garden Party

Sep 21  Labyrinth Opening Newmillerdam Green

2021  Wakefield Earth Fest St Paul's

2020  Sherwood Court Kettlethorpe

2020  Manor Care Home Walton

Dec 2019  Kings Arms Xmas Gig

Oct 2019  Horbury Uke Fest