Reporter: Phil Barr Photographs and Videos: John Sargent
Yorkshire Air Ambulance Pre – Christmas Gig (1) Ridings 2nd December,2022
Despite several key players being unable to make an appearance today for a variety of very good reasons there was still a healthy turn out including a welcome return to action by Thelma. She was greeted with a typically warm welcome which at one stage resembled a huddle of penguins as band members attempted to ward off the winter chill, a result of no heating in the Ridings. Numbers were further boosted by guest appearances from Lorraine and Mags – not that Mags – whilst treasurer Mags couldn’t make today.
Several people ( exhibitionists), wore a combination of sparkly tops with a festive theme, non-sparkly sweaters but still festive along with reindeer antlers and the like ( see photos for identification). Actually, I think they all looked rather fine.
The set list alternated festive songs with tried and trusted favourites and it was satisfying to complete Come Up and See Me with few if any glitches thanks to David’s precise arrangements and prompting.
Of the Christmas songs, the two most recent – Bambino and Feliz Navidad seemed to work quite well although as always in a large space it was not always easy to hear everything.
As the interval approached David made the executive decision to shelve The Hippo song which was greeted with a number of happily nodding heads which probably added to the gaiety and purposeful rendition of Honolulu Baby thereby bringing the first half to a close. There followed a rather unseemly screeching of chairs followed by jostling as a majority of group members rushed to get to the front
of the nearest cafe queue. (I was first but I did have to barge Pop out of the way as we homed in on the smell of coffee.)
The second half finally got under way after the group sitting on the larger cafe table deemed it time to return – not mentioning any names- apart from Roy’s – with a strong sounding Jingle Bell Rock/ Rocking Around the Christmas Tree Medley.
Of the non – festive songs Maxwell’s… went down as well as ever helped as always by Mag’s percussion skills, as did Zing and the old Time Medley. On the Christmas/ Wintry front both Slade’s hit and Winter Wonderland were also performed with enthusiasm again enhanced by Mags on her new rhythm stick which I think was made for her by Dave?( don’t ask me which one). All this time, passing shoppers were kindly dropping change into the YAA buckets provided, a sign perhaps that people even in these troubled times like to continue to give to worthy causes.
The band’s penultimate number was a low key but nevertheless nicely performed rendition of Silent Night with Pop adding an extra layer of emotion with his sensitive harmonica playing. We then rounded thing off with a very jolly We Wish you a Merry Christmas and so concluded the first of our seasonal performances. Special thanks to Mike Hindley for coordinating today’s event especially in such sad personal circumstances – you are in our thoughts, Mike.
Thanks too as always to David – we know that keeping the show on the road is no easy task and we hope that you will continue to do so as long as you wish to. Thanks also to Jane and to John ( who arrived wearing a hat that reminded me of someone like Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn the distinguished Russian writer – not that I tried more than one of his books (too many pages) , to David’s Margaret for her loyal support and to any other family members – it is greatly appreciated. Next up is a return to the Ridings a week today at the same time – 10:30 ish in time for an 11 o’clock start.
Feliz Navidad! Ridings Gig (2) 9th December, 2022
With only 16 days left until Santa’s arrival the band gathered in healthy numbers in Arctic conditions once again but this time suitably prepared with fingerless gloves, handwarmers,( thanks, Maria) thermals and warm outer clothing including several seasonal sweaters and Santa hats. We even had three flashers – one male, though fortunately only his hat was involved and two females, (chest area) although they didn’t display these until they were sat down drinking coffee, not wanting to distract the audience from the music of course. Very colourful.
Brimming with confidence from last week’s performance and knowing that we were playing virtually the same set of songs with one exception there was a palpable energy about today’s performance with David setting the tone from the very beginning. On a few occasions, when safe to look up from the music, it was evident how much the band were enjoying themselves and this transmitted to the audience – the Christmas spirit was there for all to see. Indeed, even when the dreaded moment arrived to sing the Hippopotamus song ( shelved last week) everyone gave it their all and I think maybe secretly enjoyed it.
With everything going swimmingly at half time we were given ample time to grab a coffee or just chat in situ. The chance to get some circulation back in the fingers was very welcome and hot drinks certainly helped. Needless to say, there were one or two individuals who pushed the boundaries of free time to the limit and decided to order a currant teacake minutes before the scheduled resumption but I promised Sue and Pop that I wouldn’t mention any names. Fortunately, David no doubt happy with how things were going was in a relaxed mood and this also gave time for Peter A to finish his picnic lunch.
So, to the second half of the final gig of the year. Incidentally did you know that the word(s) of the year is goblin mode – I didn’t – apparently it means being knowingly lazy. The band though, being in
gusto mode launched into I’m into Something Good and there was no stopping them. Those following the football – I digress once more – may know that the outgoing Dutch manager – Louis Van Gaal is known as the Iron Tulip which made me think that David could be called the Steel Rose for keeping us on task and sharpening up the tops and tails of the numbers we play. Meanwhile
the Friday shoppers together with an excellent following from friends and family kept the festive feel going to the end and Pop, sustained by his currant teacake did a great job again on the harmonica during the playing of Silent Night enhanced by amplification from a hand-held mike, Sue once more
proving ‘handy’.
It only remained to round off the performance with a rousing We Wish You a Merry Christmas and to receive our final plaudits.
The money collected at last week’s gig for YAA apparently amounted to £100 which considering there was no accompanying Air Ambulance stall seemed very good and hopefully today’s total will match or better that.
Thanks once more to David, to Mike, to John and our supporters and to everyone:
Feliz Navidad – I know two Spanish words now; I wouldn’t bet against Richard, on his return from Dubai, knowing the Arabic equivalent!
Next Up – nothing as Monday’s outdoor performance at Cannon Hall has been cancelled owing to the probability of frostbitten fingers – and that’s if you’re lucky!